Articles, conference talks and posters

Bogucka, Z. (2021). Nonvisual Legibility and the Coherence of Space: A New Theoretical Framework with Examples of Its Implementation in Empirical Research. Loci Communes, vol. 1 (1), pp. 1–39.

Bogucka, Z. (2020). Sztuka projektowania (The art of the design process). Zawód: Architekt, vol. 71, pp. 74-79, Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland.[Link]

Sentycz, K., Bogucka, Z. (2015). The Occupation of an architect: students’ expectations vs reality. 10th PhD Students and Young Scientists Conference “Young Scientists Toward the Challenge of Modern Technology”. Warsaw, September 21-23 2015.

Bogucka, Z., Sentycz, K. (2015). Designing the invisible dimension of urban spaces. Talk during the seminary session on International Binnacle of Architecture. Kraków, October 15-16 2015.

Bogucka, Z. (2013). Design process: a role of soundscape perception in spatial ambience evaluation. Envisioning Architecture: Design, Evaluation, Communication; 11th Conference of the European Architectural Envisioning Association. Milan, September 25-28 2013.

Bogucka, Z. (2012). Choose the easiest path: comparison of urban design for ease of cognitive mapping by blind persons. Conference UD2012, Oslo, June 11–13 2012.

Bogucka, Z. (2011). Designing for and with blind persons. Conference talk during architectural workshop „Architektura dla wszystkich 4” Humanizacja Środowiska Miejskiego. Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Science na Technology.

Kuryłowicz, E., Bogucka, Z. (2011). How to investigate and improve the legibility of urban projects to make them understandable for blind people? Contribution of Social and Behavioural Sciences Methods to Design for All Approach. Journal of Biourbanism, 1, 41-58.

Bogucka, Z. (2011). Partycypacja w kształtowaniu przestrzeni miejskiej – psychologiczne spojrzenie na spójność przestrzeni w relacji do potrzeb wszystkich jej użytkowników: szczególny przypadek osób niewidomych. In: K. Guranowska-Gruszecka (red.) Miasto zwarte, miasto rozproszone. Materiały ogólnopolskiej konferencji Doktorantów Wydziałów Architektury. Warszawa: Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej, 113 – 120.

Skorupka, A., Bogucka, Z., Przedpełska, K. (2009). Ocena jakości rozwiązań projektowych z punktu widzenia psychologii środowiskowej do koncepcji miejscowego planu zagospodarowania w rejonie Pałacu Kultury i Nauki w Warszawie (stan na październik 2008), (Evaluation of the design decisions in the zoning plan of the Palace of Culture and Science’s surroundings, from environmental psychology perspectives). Expertise for Warsaw City Authority, Warsaw Municipal Government Office. [Link]

Research projects

under supervision of prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Ewa Kuryłowicz,
Institute of Design and Theory of Architecture,
Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology

(Zakład Projektowania i Teorii Architektury, Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej)

List of titles and main contributors:

Ewa Kuryłowicz, Zuzanna Bogucka

Revision and improvement of Design for All approach in the context of contemporary theory of architecture and environmental psychology’s evidence as a part of sustainable development

Ewa Kuryłowicz, Zuzanna Bogucka

The architectural spaces users’ needs in relation to sustainable development. The functionality of the built environment in terms of physical and physiological needs from the perspective of architectural and urban design, and social science

Ewa Kuryłowicz, Zuzanna Bogucka

The latest technology and design solutions in architectural and urban design, supporting spatial functioning of blind and vision-impaired people: Review and analysis of developmental directions concerning the needs of users

Katarzyna Sentycz, Zuzanna Bogucka, Miłosz Romańczuk

Study of psychological and professional attributes of the first-year architecture students

Katarzyna Sentycz, Zuzanna Bogucka, Miłosz Romańczuk

Architectural profession in the context of individual predispositions, social expectations, and socio-economic conditions.
Identification of psychological traits and professional predispositions of last-year of Master degree students at Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology

Katarzyna Sentycz, Zuzanna Bogucka, Miłosz Romańczuk

Architectural profession in the context of individual predispositions, social expectations, and socio-economic conditions.
Professional predisposition comparison between first-year of architectural Engineering degree and last-year of Master degree students at Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology


Funded by Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology

Dean’s grant for PhD students and young scientists 504M/1010/907/11
Environmental psychology contribution to the Design for All approach: Evaluation of space legibility for blind and vision-impaired people at the design stage

Dean’s grant for PhD students and young scientists 504M/1010/901/12
Environmental psychology contribution to Design for All approach: Analysis of a built environment legibility based on the role of the sounds in the spatial orientation of blind and vision-impaired people

Lectures and academic activities

Lecturer at University of Warsaw, Faculty of Psychology “Designing a non-visual environment: Spatial functioning of blind and vision-impaired people”

Assistant during design classes for architecture students in Institute of Design and Theory of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology

Environmental psychology consultations of architecture students’ diplomas.